Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Let’s Review UCHB/Larry Wilcox Year End Filing!

Below is UCHB’s (UC Hub Group)Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended July 31, 2009.

This was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Nov 18, 2009.
Source: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1072935/000127100809000009/f10kuc73109.htm

(All images were taken directly from the above source)

#1. Larry Wilcox pockets an Extra $237,218.
- UCHB only has ONE Employee – Larry Wilcox.
- Larry Wilcox is the only officer of UCHB (that draws a salary)
- Larry Wilcox’s salary is $360,000/year
- 2008 Accrued Officer Salary: $466,282
- 2009 Accrued Officer Salary: $1,063,500
- So Wilcox was paid $597,218 in 2009 ($1,063,500 -$466,282)

- That’s $237,218 more than his salary of $360K

(extra info)

#2. This was actually Filed with the SEC:

#3. How is losing more money in 2009 then 2008 an improvement?
#4. Is Larry Wilcox Serious-When he submits a 10-K with this?

# 5. UCHB Hides $251,893?
- UCHB’s “Computers and Equipment” goes from $297,000 to $45,105 in ONE YEAR.
- I’ve never seen a depreciation schedule like that? (a quarter million dollars)
- No Revenue to support the sale of “Computers & Equipment”?

#6. How can you call an increase in expenses a reduction?

#7. $105,900 in Inventory (2008) is now $45,107 under Furniture and Equipment (2009)?
Look under "Fixed Assets" "Furniture and Equipment"

#8 New Math by Larry Wilcox
Under "Total Current Assets" - Why is the $29,884 Negative?

#9  Larry Wilcox can be heard saying "stupid numbers"
Under "Total Current Liabilities" Larry's math skills are off by over $70,000.

#10 But Larry Reviewed this Filing and its Entirely Accurate.

I've gone through many of UCHB's / Larry Wilcox's Filings.  They are FULL of Discrepancies, Errors, and Outright Deception!

If you can't believe UCHB/Wilcox's filings with the SEC -

Can you really believe UCHB / Wilcox's Press Releases?

How Gullible of an Investor are You?

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